Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Hey Everyone! So back in April I did a tutorial on hand painted glass ware. I started a set of 4 wine glasses that I never got around to finishing until this week. Part of the reason I didn't finish is because the first one in the set got ruined. The poly acrylic sealer I used wore off after several washes which caused some of the paint in certain spots to come off too. I never got around to getting the proper sealer that I needed. I thought that the poly acrylic sealer would work the same as polycrylic sealer. I was wrong. I am pretty sure that this time It will not ware off. (However I will let you know if it does.) Polycrylic sealer is actually really expensive. I recommend getting the spray can for this project @ 20$ a can from A.C. Moore. I'm sure you can understand why I put this project off for so long. Anyway I am glad to finally have my pretty wine glasses! Here are some pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Those turned out so cute! very creative!

