This is a really cute mobile I thought it would be perfect to hang over the twins crib. I would consider this a moderate difficulty craft level. I would recommend having sewing experience. Although you can do this craft by hand sewing I ended up using my sewing machine to complete it faster however you do still need to sew some by hand. Knowing how to do a slip-stitch for this craft is important.
Materials Needed
A bird pattern...(you can make your own it should look like this....

1 Yard of desired fabric (I used 2 different fabric patterns 1 for the body and the other for the gusset and the wings)
1 spool for coordination thread and sewing needle
small beads or embroidery floss for the eyes
5 yards of ribbon
6" plastic or metal ring
clear nylon thread or fishing line
sewing machine optional

you will be making seven birds for this mobile so you will need to use the pattern to cut out the pieces that make up the bird.
* Body (cut 2 per bird for a total of 14)
* Wings (cut 4 per bird for a total of 28)
* Gusset (cut 1 per bird for a total of 7)
You will be stitching the body together. With the right sides together, pin the gusset to the body piece, aligning raw edges between marks on body (center the gusset on the belly of the body.) Repeat for the other side of the body so that the body pieces are even with each other. Make placement marks for the eyes and sew on small beads or embroider french knots for the eyes. Cut one 1 1/2 inch piece of ribbon and fold in half for to form a loop. Pin the ribbon to the center of the bird's back, aligning all raw edges pin both body pieces together, right sides facing (gusset will be folded between the body pieces.) Begin hand sewing (or use your sewing machine) at the front end of the gusset, stitch around the body to the other end leaving a 1 inch opening for turning and stuffing. cut notched into curves, being careful not to cut the seams. turn the bird right side out and stuff as firmly as desired, taking care to get stuffing into all corners. Slip-stitch the opening closed.
Make the wings. Pin two wing pieces together, right sides facing, and stitch around, leaving a 1" opening for turning. Trim corners and notch curves (careful on the seams again.) Turn right side out and slip-stitch the opening closed. Repeat until you have all wings sewn. Then you can hand stitch the wings to the birds using a slip-stitch or another invisible stitch centering one on each side. Continue until all seven birds have their wings. Omit the ribbon loop on two of the birds.

Finish the mobile. Wrap the 6" ring with ribbon, sewing or gluing it in place. Sew two birds on opposite sides of the ring using clear nylon thread. Make the hanger for the ring by cutting four 16" pieces of ribbon or nylon thread. Tie one piece every 90 degrees around the ring. Tie all four ribbons together in a knot about 8" or so above the ring. The length of ribbons must be equal so that the mobile will hang level. Thread the nylon thread or fishing line through the ribbon loops on each bird. Tie the birds at varying heights around the ring, spacing them evenly. Now you are done! Hang the mobile where you like and admire your handy work.

The twins just love looking up at it...it always catches their eyes.