This project is super easy anyone can do this and the effect is pretty neat! I got the idea from The Big Ass Book of Home Decor. You should check it out it is pretty Rad-tastic!
You will need:
A Table, A dresser, A desk...basically any piece of furniture your tired of looking at but don't want to get rid of.
Ribbon, rope, string, or twine. (I used ribbon.)
A can of spray paint color of your choice.
A plastic tarp.
Step One Wrap your table with the ribbon. I personally cut the ribbon down to size and used painters tape to hold it in place. This way you will use less ribbon and I'm all about conserving. However you could wrap it all the way around if you want. I did mine going in random directions. However you could do it a few different ways. You could do straight lines. Going in one direction. You could do straight lines going in both directions to form squares. You could make uneven or even squares. You could also try to do a pattern. Use your imagination, play around with it see what you like best before committing to it.

Step Two Once you have your piece of furniture wrapped the way you like lay down your tarp place the table on it and spray paint. I used white spray paint because I like black and white. At first I was going to do a couple of layers of paint but after the first one I really liked how you could still see the black wood coming through in certain spots. I thought it made it look kind of Shabby Chic. So I decided to leave it.

Step Three After the table is completely dry take off the ribbon. Its important that you wait for it to dry completely...If you don't it could smear. That is it your done!