So I bought this dress at Marshall's a few summers ago. I thought it was really cute and it was on sale! Unfortunately it has been sitting in the back of my closet for a while now because when I bought it I didn't realize how easily you could see my nickers through the thin fabric. I pulled it out the other day and thought that maybe if I made it into a shirt by shortening it I would not feel uncomfortable wearing it. So I trimmed up the bottom to the length that I wanted and re hemmed it. After I put it on I realized that there was another issue I had with it! Since having my twins my boobs have gotten a little bigger....It was too low cut for my taste! So I took the fabric that I trimmed off the bottom and used it to make rows of pleats and then I sewed it to the top to raise the neck line! So now I have this really awesome top that I will wear all the time! I know that this isn't really a how to but I just wanted to show off my alterations because I am so pleased how it came out! Plus I thought that if might encourage someone else to dig through their closet and find the things they don't wear, figure out why and then attempt to change the issues you have with it. You might surprise yourself!

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