Just another way you can personalize your dishes. This is a very time consuming project. It took me about two days...but most of that time was spent waiting for paint to dry.

You will need:
Glassware of your choice (I used two wine glasses)
Acrylic paints (assorted colors)
Small paint brushes (also assorted)
Mod Podge Acrylic Sealer
Tape (I used painters tape but really any will do)
A picture or design to use as a guideline
A cup of water to keep your brushes clean
Old towel/paper towels(something you don't mind getting paint on)

Step One Tape the picture you want to paint to the inside of the glass. Make sure you like the placement of it, this will be your guideline for painting the glass.

Step Two Begin to Paint. Personally I find that it works best if you do one section at a time and then I wait for it to dry before I continue. For example with this glass I painted the branches waited for that to dry then Painted the leaves waited for that to dry then painted the owl heads and wings waited for that to day...etc. Doing it this way takes longer but you will also smudge it less and make less mistakes.

Step Three Once you have finished painting the glass wait for it to dry completely. Once it is dry you can take it outside and seal it with the mod podge sealer. I did three coats and waited 15 mins. between each coat. This ensures that you can wash the glass without the paint wearing off. Wait at least 24 hours before using/washing. Enjoy!
Personally I just adore my new wine glasses, since I love my wine and owls they suit me perfectly!

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